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A Summary of Hamawiyyah
  Creed of Hamawiyyah - Chapter 3 : The Way of Ahl us-Sunnah Concerning Allaah's Attributes
Author: Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Source: Aqidat ul-Hamawiyyah
Article ID : AQD070003  [23138]  
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- Takyeef is more general.
- All who do Tamtheel, are doing Takyeef. But vice versa is NOT the case. Takyeef is Particular to Allaah's Attributes, while Tamtheel is concerned with His Decree, Description and Self.


To affirm something is alike another in every way.


To affirm a resemblance in most attributes.

- Note: The terms Tamtheel and Tashbeeh are sometimes interchangeable.

Tashbeeh is of two kinds: Tashbeeh of the creation with the Creator - to affirm for the creation that which is particular to the Creator

(1) Tashbeeh concerning His Rights - e.g. to say that others have the right to be worshipped alongside Allaah.
(2) Tashbeeh concerning His Lordship - e.g. to say that there are other creators alongside Allaah.
(3) Tashbeeh concerning His Attributes - to give others His Attributes that are particular to Him - e.g. see quoted poetry. Tashbeeh of the Creator with the creation - to affirm for Allaah, concerning His Self and Attributes which are particular to Him, the likes of attributes of the creation.

e.g. to say that Allaah's Two Hands are like the creation's hands. The first of this Ummah to introduce this was Hishaam ibn al-Hakam ar-Raafidee.

3.6.6 AL-ILHAAD [SEE (7):180;] In the Language - to deviate, to turn aside. Technically here - to deviate from that which is obligatory to believe in and act upon. This is of 2 kinds. Al-Ilhaad in the Names of Allaah

- to abandon the obligatory truth concerning them, and this is of 4 kinds:
1. to deny anything from them or from what is proven of the Attributes - as done by the people of Ta'teel.
2. to make His Names an indication of resembling the creation - as done by the people of Tashbeeh.
3. to name Allaah with names that He has not given Himself - as done by the Christians who call him "Father" and the philosophers who call Him "The Prime Mover."
4. to derive from His Names, names for the idols - as done by the Mushriks who derived al-Laat from His Name al Ilaah and who derived al'Uzzah from His Name al 'Azeez. Al-Ilhaad concerning His Verses
- this is of two types:
1. Relating to the Law-Related Verses - to distort them or deny the reports that must be believed in, or to disobey its rulings.
2. Relating to the Decree-Related Verses - to attribute these things to other than Allaah or to believe He has a partner in His acts of Creation and Decreeing.

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