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Concerning Fasting
  The Rulings of Ramadaan
Author: Islamic Society of the University of Essex
Article ID : IBD090003  [39581]  
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6) The Sunnah for Eed Prayers is to pray in the Musallah (that is in an uncovered place) and not in the Masjid. The Prophet (S) never prayed Eed Prayer in the Masjid. Aboo Sa'eed (R) reported: " The Prophet (S) used to go on the day of 'Eed-al-Fitr and Eed-al-Adhaa to the Musallah, and the first thing he did was to pray." [Bukhaaree and Muslim]
7) Neither Adhaan nor Iqaamah are pronounced for Eed Prayer. [Muslim]
8) Ibn Abbaas reported: "The Prophet (S) prayed two Raka'ahs for the Eed prayer and did not pray before it or after it." [Bukhaaree]
9) Jabir (R) reported: "The Prophet (S) used to come back from 'Eed-al-Fitr on a path other than the one used in going to it." [Bukhaaree]
10) It is permitted to listen to songs (without music) on 'Eed day especially for children. [Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Bid'ahs of 'Eed
It is Bid'ah (innovation in Deen):

1) To shave the beards especially for 'Eed. The Prophet (S) has ordered us not to shave our beards; so it is a shame that, on this great day of demonstrating our differences in ceremonies to those of the Mushriks, that some Muslim shaves his beard so that he looks "clean" like the Mushriks.
2) To imitate the Mushriks in their practices and dress, and to shake hands with women. The Prophet (S) said: "It is better that a man is hit with needle on his head than to touch a woman who is not lawful for him." [Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth as-Sunnah]
3) To listen to music on 'Eed. The Prophet (S) said:"There will be some in my nation who will regard adultery, men dressing in silk, drinking intoxicants (al-Khamr), and musical instruments to be lawful." [Bukhaaree, Abu Dawood and Bayhaqee]
4) For women not to wear Hijaab. To do so is to celebrate 'Eed while committing a major sin.
5) To visit the graveyard especially on Eed. It is permitted to visit the graveyard all year long so we should not make a special case out of it on 'Eed;
6) To waste money and being extravagant with food instead of giving them to poor.

We ask Allaah (T) to help us avoid all Bid'ah and to guide us in following the Sunnah of His Prophet (S).


Ramadaan, the 9th month of the hijree calendar, is well known for (1) Siyaam (abstaining from food, drink, and sex ; paying extra-attention to refraining from lying, backbiting, slander, vain talk, fighting that is not for the cause of Allah, etc; and for abstinence from such things as smoking, music, movies, unnecessary television, cursing etc. from dawn to dusk and (2) Taraweeh: a replacement for tahajjud of multiple two-rakaat prayers that do not excceed a total of eight rakaats.

However, besides practicing more Taqwaa (Allaah-consciousness) not enjoying certain amenities of life for several hours, and being vigilant there are other acts of worship particular to Ramadaan. Most notably is Zakaat ul-Fitr, also called Sadaqah al-Fitr. Fitr means breaking a fast; zakaah is an alms-tax which literally means to purify, to grow; and sadaqah means contribution or donation. Zakaat ul-Fitr is compulsory to be paid on every Muslim.

Who should pay Zakaat ul-Fitr
Ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah prescribed the Zakaat ul-Fitr on every slave, free person, male, female, young and elderly among the Muslims [Bukhaaree Vol I no.579. Muslim no. 2149, Abu Daawood no. 1608]. The head of the house hold may give the required amount for ones house. Sadaqah al-Fitr is compulsory on one even if he or she embraced Islam in the last seconds of Ramadaan.

The same applies if a woman gives birth. Conversely, If someone dies before the close of Ramadaan his or her heirs are excused from paying for the deceased.

When should it be paid?
Zakaat ul-Fitr must be paid before Salaat ul-Eed. If one misses paying it before the prayer without a good reason it is not considered Zakaah but Sadaqa (charity).

Naafi' transmitted that Ibn Umar used to pay fitr a day or two before the Eed prayer [Bukhaaree & Muslim, Abu Daawood]. Whoever pays fitr after the Eed prayer wlll not get the blessings of it because it will be rendered as regular Sadaqah [see Abu Daawood no. 1605]

It would be strongly advisable for one to pay Zakaah ul-Fitr before the prayer because it purifies the faster of idle deeds and vain talk committed during Ramadaan [Abu Daawood no. 1605] as well as providing its recipients in time for the Islamic holiday.

What is its amount?
The amount of Zakaat ul-Fitr is one saa (two handfuls/kilo/40 grams/4.5 lbs/112 oz/beaker of dates, barley, raisins, cheese, grain of wheat [see Muslim no.2151 & 2154]. Some scholars say any topic of food that is common in a particular region can be given for fitr, e.g. flour, ground beef, or milk in the United States.

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