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Sayyid Qutb
  The Heresies of Sayyid Qutb in Light of the Statements of the Ulamaa (Part 3)
Author: SalafiPublications.Com
Article ID : NDV010011  [26940]  
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TWO: Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan's Adjustments to the Title
The Shaikh making some adjustments to the naming of the series and also changing the title of the book by adding the word "Wal-Mudhammah" to the end of the title.

THREE: The Letter Sent by the Compiler of the Book to the Defender of Sayyid Qutb
This is the letter sent by the compiler of this particular book (Isaam bin Abdullaah as-Sinaani) to a Qutubi who had attempted to defend Sayyid Qutb by the intercession of Imaam Ibn Baaz. Shaikh Fawzaan makes some additional notes to it. The text of the letter mentions that Qutb had very great and serious errors and that this type of reasoning only deceives the youth, who will be led astray by his heresies. Shaikh Fawzaan adds "Then, the Shaikh (i.e. Bin Baz) did that (i.e. interceded for Qutb) before it became clear from Sayyid Qutb what was clear in his books", and some other brief notes further down.

FOUR: Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan Adjusting His Own Words
Here Shaikh Fawzaan makes a few adjustments to his own words in refutation of Adnaan Ar'oor (who is now pushing his own form of insidious Qutubism). Shaikh Fawzaan describes Qutb as a Jaahil, ignoramus, with no knowledge, and of course this is indeed true in the case of Sayyid Qutb. The translation of this is found in Part 1 of this series.

FIVE: Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen Advising A Change Related to the Ordering of Content
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen asking for the section titled "The Salafi Manhaj" to be put first, before "The Qutubi Manhaj". And it is here that we confirm, once again, that Qutubism and the Qutubi Methodology is a real and tangible reality and exists - even though the well-known Qutubists of the West such as Ali Timimi and Idris Palmer have been trying to deny their own existence for numerous years. Closet-Qutubism is now officially dead. The title of the page reads "Two Ways That Do Not Meet, Separated By the East and the West", and the first three quotations are from Sayyid Qutb's 'Zilaal' in which he performs takfir of the whole of mankind and every Muslim society and also in which he says that what Islam requires is revolutions (inqilaab) in every place and location in order to forcefully impose the Sharee'ah - and that this is the highest and most lofty goal (Zilaal 3/1451) and inshaa'allaah we will translate this for all to see that this man and his writings are but the legacy of Dhul-Khuwaisarah at-Tameemi - and from Allaah is the refuge. Note, Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen praised the book, after reading it.

Closing Remarks
It is important that the Qutubis address the issue of following the verdicts of the Salafi Ulamaa - concerning which they have had clear problems with over the last 8 years - before they begin to display love and affection for the same scholars who - in their view - used to be the "the scholars of women's menses and impurities". When they have come to terms with this, then inshaa'allaah we can open up a discussion concerning Imaam, Takfir, Irjaa and the position of Imaam al-Albani and Imaam Ibn Baaz - both of whom the Qutubis accuse of being Murji'ah, and having the Irjaa' of Jahm Ibn Safwaan - due to their position on ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed.

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