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Targheeb and Tarheeb
  Ibn al-Qayyim on Dawah, Guidance and the Condition of the Heart
Author: Ibn al-Qayyim
Source: A Path to Guidance (forthcoming SP release; trans Abu Iyaad)
Article ID : TZK050009  [22219]  
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8. Heedlessness comes between a servant and his conceiving the truth, becoming acquainted with it and having knowledge of it - therefore, due to this he becomes of the astray (daalleen).

9. And following of desires prevents him from seeking the truth, desiring it and following it and therefore he becomes of those with whom Allaah is angry (maghdoob alaihim)

10. As for those who have been favoured (by Allaah) , they are the ones whom Allaah has been bountiful to by granting them the realisation of the truth, in terms of knowledge and in complying with it and preferring it as a mode of conduct - over what is besides it. These are the ones who are upon the Path of safety and those besides them are upon the path of destruction.

11. For this reason Allaah - free from all imperfection - has ordered us that we say numerous times, in the day and night:

Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians). [Faatihah 1:6-7]

12. The servant is in the greatest of needs of being knowledgeable of what will benefit him in this life and the hereafter and that he prefers and chooses what benefits him, avoiding what harms him. By both of these things he is guided to the Straight Way.

13. If the knowledge of this passes him by he will be treading the path of those who are astray. And if his desiring it (i.e. the truth) and following it is lost, he will be treading the path of those upon whom is (Allaah’s) anger.

14. By this (explanation) you will realise the extent and scope of this mighty supplication, the intense need for it and the dependence of the happiness of this life and the hereafter upon it.

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