ßÊÇÈ ÇáÊÝÓíÑ : Hadeeth No:4578 : Jabir bin Abdullah:
We were in a Ghazwa and a man from the emigrants kicked an Ansari (on
the buttocks with his foot). The Ansari man said, "O the Ansari!
(Help!)" The emigrant said, "O the emigrants! (Help)." When Allah's
Apostle heard that, he said, "What is that?" They said, "A man from
ÃÈæÇÈ ÇáÊåÌÏ : Hadeeth No:1103 : Jabir bin 'Abdullah:
While delivering a sermon, Allah's Apostle said, "If anyone of you comes while the Imam is delivering the sermon or has come out for it, he should offer a two Rakat prayer."