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Sayyid Qutb
  Shaikh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee on Sayyid Qutb
Source: Cassette Lecture
Article ID : NDV010004  [26201]  
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The questioner mentions - and the responsibility for truthfulness is upon the questioner - that the author of this book ‘al-‘Adaalah al-Ijtimaa’iyyah’ (Social Justice) causes doubt about Paradise and the Fire. So if he brings doubt about Paradise and the Fire and matters of the Hidden and the Unseen like them - then this means that he was suffering from the poison of the modernists (‘Aqlaanee), and I do not know him to have been a modernist. Modernists are something other than those who depend upon intellect, and attributes are many these days.

The scholars of ‘Kalaam’ [theological rhetoric] are called the ‘people of intellect’ (al-‘Aql) and ‘the companions of intellectual affairs’. Then the ‘Aqlaaniyyah’ that has appeared and has been taken up as its base today the United States (of America) - then all the ahaadeeth that pertain to matters of the Hidden and the Unseen - then to the modernists the fact that the isnaad of the hadeeth is authentic (saheeh) is not enough. Rather the principle which they follow is that they tale the authentic ahaadeeth - and particularly those which speak of the Dajjaal, the Mahdee, Paradise and the Fire - and say that they must be judged according to the intellect. The intellects of who? He intellects of the modernists, not - common folk like ourselves? Then whatever the intellects of the modernists accept then it is to be accepted, otherwise it will be rejected.

The first of the modernists and their leader - who rejected all the ahaadeeth, after living in France for a long time and who the returned to the Islamic East - as they say - he said: I went to Europe and found an Islaam without there being any Muslims. Islaam that has taken form. Then I went back to the lands of the Muslims and found Muslims without Islaam, meaning that we are Muslims without Islaam, and that over there in Europe here was Islaam which had taken form without any Muslims".

O youth, you do not live in a remote desert today - the world is open - what is there in Europe except for intoxicants, evils and sins? But the simple-minded say: They do not break appointments, and they do not play around with prices, and if they see a seller selling that which others sell for ten - and he sells it for eight, then they disapprove of that...

Do you know who is the one who said this, and his followers consider this to be genius. Genius of the ‘greater imaam’ the ‘great imaam’ Muhammad ‘Abduh - the one whose speech this is and he was the leader of the modernists present today and the founder of the modernists school. He is the one who denied these things, and this author which the questioner is referring to is just a student who studied under the students of Muhammad ‘Abduh. So let us be clear and frank in order to free ourselves from responsibility - the modernists have books which are widely circulated today, and they wage a fierce war against Islaam - with regard to both the fundamentals and the details of the Religion, using the claim that the ahaadeeth must be checked against the intellect - even though the book and the author are known, and as they say - when the cause becomes known amazement passes away.

So our advice for out youth is that they should suffice - due to their age and level of knowledge and their level - they should suffice with the well known books, whose authors are well known for correctness of their ‘Aqeedah and Mahjaj - until they mature, and it is not fitting that they should read everything that comes into their hands, since it is the case that with regard to some of those modernists then many people, many writers and many students of knowledge may have a favourable opinion of them and thus fall victim to this favourable opinion of them. So because we have books that are sound with regard to the ‘Aqeedah of their authors - then you have no need to read these other books. My advice to you are this level is that you restrict yourselves to the sound books, then that you expand when you proceed in age and knowledge, and success is granted by Allah - and may Allah extol and send peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his true followers and companions." *

[Questions and Answers in ‘al-Masjid an-Nabawee’ : 22/6/1404H.

And he said: "The book ‘az-zilaal’ of Sayyid Qutb is a tafseer that is not a tafseer based upon narrations, not a tafseer from the language. Rather it is a composition containing a confused mixture of the ideas of the Ash’arees, the ideas of ‘Wahdatul - Wujood’ and the ideas of the Soofees - and he was an Ash’aree - about which there is not dispute.

So I advise small students not to read the book ‘az-Zilaal’, just as I advise the greater students - from the students of knowledge - to read it in order to make clear to lesser students the futility contained in it - as advice to them." *

[A lecture: Answers to questions about the manhaj of Ahlus - Sunnah wal - Jamaa’ah in calling to Allah. Cassette no. 1. Jeddah 4/1413H]

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