General Issues Pertaining to the Prayer(12 Articles)
The Importance of Prayer Within Its Proper Time Admonitions from the ahaadeeth of Allaah's Messenger and narrations from the Salaf on the importance of prayer in its proper time [18-Aug-00 : 12:00 AM]
Questions and Answers on the Sutrah A series of fataawaa regarding the Sutrah which were delivered in the town of Makkah al-Mukarramah. [30-Jun-99 : 10:16 AM]
The Second Pillar of Islaam: The Five Daily Prayers The institution of the five daily prayers brings enormous benefits to the Muslim individual and the soceity. This was an article prepared for a secondary school in Oxford, UK. [21-Aug-98 : 05:52 PM]
Some Thoughts on Surah al-Fatihah A discussion of the importance of Surah al-Fatihah and the great significance of the supplications that it contains. [21-Aug-98 : 04:53 PM]
On Articulating the Intention For the Prayer A fatwaa of Shaikh ul-Islaam on the one who articulates the intention prior to the prayer and the ruling upon the one who enjoins it. [20-Aug-98 : 08:41 PM]
Prayer in Congregation The obligation of performing prayer in congregation discussed with the related textual evidences. [04-Jul-98 : 09:38 PM]
Connecting the Lines for Prayer The importance of straightening the lines and filling the gaps in the congregational prayers and related issues. [04-Jul-98 : 09:30 PM]