Exposing Kabbani 20 : Distortion and Defamation May Allaah disfigure the appearance of Kabbani as he has disfigured the views and statements of the Salafis in order to demonise them in front of the common-folk. A look at Kabbani's methodology. [05-Jul-99 : 08:11 PM]
Exposing Kabbani 7 : The True Way of the Salaf in Kabbani's Books Kabbani quotes some well known statements of the Salaf which represent the way of the Salaf in understanding the Attributes of Allaah, however he does not portray them as such. [30-Jun-99 : 03:05 PM]
Exposing Kabbani 3 : Kabbani, a Neo-Jahmite A look at how Kabbani's way is in fact that of the Jahmiyyah and is not in accord with those whom he ascribes himself to such as Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree and Abu Hanifah. [30-Jun-99 : 02:51 PM]