Hadeeth No. 1753 |
- Narrated Anas: |
Hadeeth No. 1754 |
- Narrated Anas: |
Hadeeth No. 1755 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1756 |
- Narrated 'Ali: |

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We have nothing except the Book of Allah and this written paper from the Prophet (where-in is written:) Medina is a sanctuary from the 'Air Mountain to such and such a place, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits a sin, or gives shelter to such an innovator in it will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted. And the asylum (of protection) granted by any Muslim is to be secured (respected) by all the other Muslims; and whoever betrays a Muslim in this respect incurs the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, and none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted, and whoever (freed slave) befriends (take as masters) other than his manumitters without their permission incurs the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, and none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted.
Hadeeth No. 1757 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1758 |
- Narrated Abu Humaid: |
Hadeeth No. 1759 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1760 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1761 |
- Narrated Abu Zuhair: |
Hadeeth No. 1762 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1763 |
- Narrated Sad: |
Hadeeth No. 1764 |
- Narrated Usama: |
Hadeeth No. 1765 |
- Narrated Abu Bakra: |
Hadeeth No. 1766 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1767 |
- Narrated Anas bin Malik: |
Hadeeth No. 1768 |
- Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: |
Hadeeth No. 1769 |
- Narrated Jabir: |
Hadeeth No. 1770 |
- Narrated Zaid bin Thabit: |
Hadeeth No. 1771 |
- Narrated Anas: |
Hadeeth No. 1772 |
- Narrated Anas: |
Hadeeth No. 1773 |
- Narrated Anas: |
Hadeeth No. 1774 |
- Narrated Abu Huraira: |
Hadeeth No. 1775 |
- Narrated 'Aisha: |

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When Allah's Apostle reached Medina, Abu Bakr and Bilal became ill. When Abu Bakr's fever got worse, he would recite (this poetic verse): "Everybody is staying alive with his People, yet Death is nearer to him than His shoe laces." And Bilal, when his fever deserted him, would recite: "Would that I could stay overnight in A valley wherein I would be Surrounded by Idhkhir and Jalil (kinds of good-smelling grass). Would that one day I could Drink the water of the Majanna, and Would that (The two mountains) Shama and Tafil would appear to me!" The Prophet said, "O Allah! Curse Shaiba bin Rabi'a and 'Utba bin Rabi'a and Umaiya bin Khalaf as they turned us out of our land to the land of epidemics." Allah's Apostle then said, "O Allah! Make us love Medina as we love Mecca or even more than that. O Allah! Give blessings in our Sa and our Mudd (measures symbolizing food) and make the climate of Medina suitable for us, and divert its fever towards Aljuhfa." Aisha added: When we reached Medina, it was the most unhealthy of Allah's lands, and the valley of Bathan (the valley of Medina) used to flow with impure colored water.
Hadeeth No. 1776 |
- Narrated Zaid bin Aslam from his father: |