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Deviated Sects
The Khawarij   (8 Articles)
The Speech of the Scholars Upon Safar and Salmaan: Part 3 - Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan highlighting the generalised and specific form of takfeer found with these individuals, as well as his praises and commendations of the books that refuted and exposed them. [26-Jan-03 : 02:29 PM]
The Speech of the Scholars Upon Safar and Salmaan: Part 2 - Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadee
The various statements of Shaykh Muqbil indicating that the resolution of the Major Scholars concerning Safar and Salmaan is the very truth, that these two wasted many of the youth, and are also followers of Muhammad Suroor. [25-Jan-03 : 12:00 AM]
The Speech of the Scholars Upon Safar and Salmaan: Part 1 - Shaykhs Ibn Baaz, al-Albaani and Ibn Uthaymeen
A compilation of the sayings of the Scholars of the Salafee Manhaj upon the Khawaarij of the Era. Containing the statements of Shaykh Ibn Baz, Shaykh al-Albaanee and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. [23-Jan-03 : 10:01 PM]
Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Ubaykaan On The Khawaarij and the Renewed Ideology
A former referent point of the Qutubiyyooon, Takfiriyyoon, Shaykh al-Ubaykaan exposes the manhaj of Takfir imported into the land by foreign bodies, and refutes them and exposes their plots. [17-Jun-02 : 08:45 PM]
The Advice of Imaam Ibn Baaz to Usaamah Bin Ladin al-Khaarijee
The advice given by Imaam Ibn Baaz to the dissenting renegades, Bin Ladin's takfir of the scholars, and his adoption of the path of the Khawaarij. Also includes the advice of Wahb Ibn Munabbih to a Kharijite figurehead of old. [23-Sep-01 : 01:09 PM]
The Khawarij Perform Takfir on Account of Major Sins
A look at the proponents of the Khariji methodology in the current times, and their style and methodology in imputing disbelief to this Ummah. [24-Jul-99 : 09:26 PM]
The Khawarij are the Murji'ah
A look at the statement of Imaam Ahmad and a discussion of the great calamities brought by the Khawarij of the current times. Looks at the takfir performed by Awdah, Hawali and al-Qarni on account of major sins. [23-Jul-99 : 02:44 PM]
Imaam Ibn Uthaimeen on The Khawaarij of the Era, The Kharijite Ideologists, the Preachers of Revolution and Destruction
Imaam Ibn Uthaimeen makes reference to the Modern Heirs of the Khawaarij, the Revolutionary Ideologists and advises against their tapes, and says the difference between them is one that is related to fundamental matters of aqeedah! [04-Sep-01 : 08:31 PM]

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