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The Perwaizis, Khalifites (19ers) And Rejecters of the Sunnah   (6 Articles)
Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers (Rejecters of the Sunnah): The Second Doubt
Smashing the second brainless doubt which is that the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam's) explanation of the Qur'aan is not required and redundant, since the Qur'aan itself is all comprehensive and has not left anything out. [09-Sep-01 : 12:00 AM]
Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers (Rejecters of the Sunnah): The First Doubt
Analysing the first of the doubts of the Perweizites and Rejecters, which is that there was no methodology defined by the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) for the safeguarding of the Sunnah. [06-Sep-01 : 12:00 AM]
Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers (Rejecters of the Sunnah): The Ruling on the Rejecters of the Sunnah
Looking at the Rulers of the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah, past and present, that the Rejecters of the authority of the Sunnah are disbelieving apostates, outside the fold of Islaam. [04-Sep-01 : 12:00 AM]
Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers (Rejecters of the Sunnah): Amongst Those Who Have Defended The Sunnah
A list of the various people of both past and contemporary times who have spent efforts in defending the Prophetic Sunnah from the Astray Heretics [03-Sep-01 : 12:00 AM]
Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers (Rejecters of the Sunnah): On the Necessity of the Sunnah
Looking at the necessity of depending upon the Sunnah for the sound and correct understanding of the Qur'aan with numerous excellent examples and illustrations. [02-Sep-01 : 12:00 AM]
Smashing the Brains of the Perweizite Deceivers (Rejecters of the Sunnah): Introduction
Introduction and background to the Rejecters of the Sunnah and their late spokesman, Ghulam Ahmad Perweiz, and an overview of the contents of the book. [01-Sep-01 : 12:00 AM]

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